Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Bring on the Spring!

Its been so long since my last post. My garden becomes this depressing place to look at during the winter after all its glory during spring, summer and autumn. I hardly venture out there except to feed the chooks, check out the snow, marvel at the havoc the frost creates, and stare longingly at the sight of naked fruit trees that only recently had branches heavy with fruit...

But now... Ahhhhhh, I can breathe again and now study is done, I am out there with gusto and have chosen today to post as it is out with the old and in with the new. All the old silverbeet and spinach has been removed to get ready for preping for newbies. I have also planted corn, basil, zuc, and pumpkin today (along with painting the house and a few other dullo chores).

I also chose to post today as it will be the last time this "season" that I make Palak Paneer using my own Palak (Spinach). I love this Indian dish so much. Hmm, recipe????? Need to go find one!

ok - here is a combo recipe that serves a small army!:
1.5kg palak
2 onions
2cm chunk ginger
2 chillis
1 tspn tumeric
3 tspn ground cumin
2 tspn ground corriander
3 chopped tomatoes
1 tin coconut cream
500g Paneer

The Palak Paneer!
chop onion, chilli, ginger and put into hot oil with the spices. Cook until your nose and eyes hurt (a few minutes). Add the chopped tomatoes (add an additional few if you prefer a more tomatoey sauce) and the coconut cream (can use cream if you like and maybe some whizzed up almonds to make a creamy almond sauce!). Add the palak (spinach) and the paneer at the end and stir it in til heated and you are ready to eat!