Saturday, May 7, 2011

Frost has arrived!

Homegrown home roasted tomatoes (complete with sand from the 2 year old!
Life has been so busy in the garden I almost forgot to take pictures. I have been too busy dealing with all the produce and other life stuff to be able to post. I have now finally finished processing all my summer harvest (with the exception of the last of the tomatoes - YES I know, its May and I still have a tomato plant!!!).
My little "helper"

It is unheard of (well in the history of me here) that the first frost arrives in May! There may have been a mild spattering at some point earlier, but nothing that I saw or that really impacted on the garden. Usually in early April the frost arrives, my heart sinks and I try to prepare myself for months of bleak weather and drag garden views. However, this year I feel like I have prepared myself!

I have a winter veg garden planted again. I felt so much better last year being able to see something useful growing. I have put in the usual crop of garlic. I also have onions, broad beans, broccoli, spinach, and I am waiting to see the parsnips raise their little heads above the soil! I have also moved the raspberries back to their former position. Much sunnier happier spot where they seem keen to produce oodles of lush juicy berries for me :)

Baked quince
2 batches of poached quince
It was time to finally harvest the quince. Well, I actually waited for the ones the birds started and dropped to the ground. This week I finished off their job. I had soooo many! Having never dealt with quince before (not even really ever held one in my little hands) I set to work searching the web for interesting looking recipes. I cooked up 3 lots of roast quince (2 in orange juice and sugar) and one in butter and suggar. I also made a LARGE batch of quince paste (5L), and 3 types of poached quince (my own concoction, muscat and spice, and vanilla spice). Each of these were at least double batches. I am now surrounded by jars of quince things and pesto. Hmm, at least I will have something to eat this winter if my winter veggies decide to do a whole bunch of nothing :)
Quince paste & baked quince on pancakes with cream... Mmm
How could I forget?! I also planted 2 artichoke seedlings. No and no no no. Not those Jerusalem things that do little but run rampant throughout your yard and make you fart when cooked (yeah, ok they taste ok I guess and yes I have grown them. they took 2 years to get rid of). I have grown the globe arties before, but i am excited about having another go. Next mission (well when warmer weather arrives again), I want a bed of asparagus! MMMMMM.

Pear with its sand bags
The last of the pruning and moving has been completed. The quince took a battering from my loppers :) The pear tree now has sand bags dangling from its large upright upper branches in order to assist with fruit set next season (or so I have read - even if it doesn't, at least the tree will have a more aesthetic form and will make picking easier). I moved the grape vine about 30cm and planted a few lemon thyme plants in my newish herb garden (along with a few lettuce just for fun).

My gorgeous little helper
Now I just need to find somewhere to put all the processed products. Many have found their way to other larders :) Happy consuming people!